Admission open for 2024
class ix icse
class x icse
class xii isc)
class ix wb
class v wb
class xi wb
class xi isc
class ix icse
class ix icse
class ix icse
class ix icse
class xii isc
class ix icse
class ix icse
class ix icse
class xii cbse
Computer science
Computer science
class ix isce
class x icse
class x cbse
class x icse
class x icse
class x icse
BCA Computer sc
class ix icse
class x icse
class viii icse
class viii icse
class viii icse
class ix icse
class xII cbse
class viii cbse
class ix icse
class xi isc
class xii isc
class x icse
class xi wb
class x icse
class x isc
class x isc
class x icse
class x icse
class ix icse
class ix icse
Hi, I m Anupriya Bose, I was a student of class 10 of La Martiniere Girls and was having a tough time securing good marks in computer subject. But after Pritvish sir started coaching me in this subject, my marks gradually improved till the time I got 100% in my final exams. I really recommend other to teach this subject under his guidance to get good marks in this subject.
Anupriya BoseI am Suktij Mishra, and I study in standard 12 at Southend. Pritvish sir is very good in the computer subject and he makes me understand the computer languages very easily. He is good in java and various other programs and I strongly recommend others to take tuitions from him to get good marks in computer subject.
Suktij MishraI am Debarati Purokayasta. Honestly ,Prithvish Sir is one of the best teacher out there.I remember how in class 9, I had got 59 in computers that was my lowest marks ever.So i asked my mom to find me a tutor, After Prithvish sir started tuting me, my concepts become better and clearer. And just after a span of 5-6 months, I scored 98 but could get 100 due to my silly mistake in my ICSE 2017 Boards. I really appreciate you and Thank you for that.
Debarati Purokayasta